Well, the last of the Shelton Hotel investigations has taken place, and the report posted. Another EVP from the first investigation was also posted. There may be more as the investigators sift through the data and find things that may be overlooked, etc.
Demolition of the structure has begun; we are privileged to have been given the opportunity to capture some small part of what the essence of the place was... what stories it had left to tell... to preserve
Updates to the site were posted over the holiday weekend. An old photo of the Shelton Hotel, as well as some history and one of the investigation reports. Ot
EVP's from the Shelton Hotel have been posted. Look under the third investigation. Listen and decide. :-)
More photos from the Shelton hotel added today. A third visit with one of the owners, and a reveal of one of the EVP's captured.
I finally got the first of what I hope are many EVP's related to the Shelton Hotel site. It is quite compelling, in my opinion. Everyone will have to listen and decide for themselves.